Registration in progress:
Fista Preschoolers
* Complementary care in pre-school at ENKKU*
Morning and afternoon care for Fista Preschoolers.
Flexible opening hours according to family needs!
Opportunity for children from Tampere to have a service voucher.
* Enkku English club for 2-5 year olds in the morning *
With the City of Tampere service voucher
Three days a week, a club led by a native english speaker.
Welcome aboard! Registrations and inquiries
School year 2024-2025
- Autumn term 7.8.2024-20.12.2024
- Autumn holiday 14.–20.10.2024
- Independence day (no school) Friday 6.12.2024
- Christmas holiday 21.12.2024–6.1.2025
- Spring term 7.1.2025-31.5.2025
- Winter holiday 24.2.–2.3.2025
- Easter holiday (Holy Thursday no school) 17.4.–21.4.2025
- May day (no school) Thursday 1.5.2025
- Ascension day (no school) 29.5.2025
- Summer holiday 1.6.–5.8.2025